REACTMH® training: 60 minutes session
Sessions run from 11am – 12pm
What is REACTMH®?
REACTMH® is a tool, developed by experts from March on Stress, which aims to help supervisors to have psychologically based supportive conversations with a colleague about their mental health.
Who should complete REACTMH training?
REACTMH training is recommended for all managers, supervisors and team leaders, but is especially useful for team members who are dealing with repeated exposure to potentially traumatic events (PTEs) or working in stressful environments.
What are the benefits of REACTMH training?
This concise active listening skills training session will enable supervisors to identify, engage with and support people in their teams who may be struggling with their mental health. The training is designed to improve a supervisor’s confidence in initiating supportive wellbeing conversations.
Why is REACTMH training important?
Evidence shows that managers who receive training in identifying the need for, and develop the confidence to successfully engage in, supportive mental health and wellbeing conversations with their team members can reduce the risk of longer-term mental ill health by up to 90%.