*NEW* 1:1 support with stress
Are you currently dealing with work related, home related stress or even both?
We know that staff across the NHS and social care have many plates spinning all at once. We are really passionate about tackling stress and its symptoms! We are offering a confidential 1:1 STRAW (sustaining resilience at work) intervention to staff dealing with stress and its effects.
We have trained Straw Practitioners on hand with an appointment to fit around your busy schedule.
FREE stress and resilience resources
Silvercloud: CBT course on stress
We have partnered with Silvercloud to offer you free access to a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) self-help programme, designed by clinical experts using proven methods for helping people, all with the aim of empowering you to think and feel better. Complete at your own pace, at a time that fits around your schedule.
This programme is based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
CBT consists of two key steps to feeling well:
- Understanding what’s going on inside you
- Making changes to feel better
The key idea behind CBT is that your emotions, thoughts, behaviours and physical sensations are connected, and affect each other.
Simply choose your programme on SilverCloud. When prompted to sign up, you will need an access code to enable you to create your account and use this resource. The access code is kwnelselfhelp
Stress bucket activity
The stress bucket is a visual way for you to understand and begin managing your stress. Above the bucket are taps filling your bucket with the things that cause you stress. The below taps are the things that help you release stress.
You might find it helpful to discuss your stress bucket and the things that help you. Our Wellbeing Advisors are here to listen. Get in contact by clicking in the chat bubble in the bottom of your screen
Stress Awareness Pack
Download your stress awareness pack and learn about the symptoms of stress, understand your stress, use the 5 areas model, complete the address your stress at work checklist, take the stress test and unwind with some mindful colouring.
What is stress?
Stress is the normal response of our mind and body to alert us to danger and therefore keep us safe. In the modern world stress can happen when we feel there is too much on our plate and that we cannot cope with it all.
Stress is the feeling that we cannot cope with the demands placed on us. Some stress is helpful and keeps us safe and motivated. However, when we are exposed to constant and persistent stress levels, stress can become chronic and become a risk to our health.
Stress is a normal and helpful response to life stressors. It can energize us to deal with problems or it can become a problem if it becomes too much and overwhelms us.
Managing stress
Managing stress is all about finding a balance. If the level of stress is too low, a person can become unmotivated or bored. If it is too high, a person can experience stress-related problems such as not being able to concentrate, avoiding certain situations, or become physically ill.
Everyone has an optimum or healthy stress level, but it varies from person to person. The trick is to know when stress has become too much for you and what helps you strike a balance.
Learning to manage stress better has a lot of benefits: it can increase your performance and productivity, improve your physical health and generally help you to feel better and more relaxed.
Use what you have
We all have and need resources at our disposal to help us manage in times of stress. Just like for stressors, resources also vary from person to person.
Resources can be:
- Environmental (e.g. a beautiful lake nearby, leisure amenities, access to a good health system)
- Social (e.g. close ties with family members, a loyal friend, a trusted healthcare provider)
- Financial (e.g. steady income, savings)
- Personal (e.g. personal strengths)
Use your resources to deal with challenges.
Our personal strengths and talents are also an important resource to help us combat stress and limit its impact on our lives.