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June is a Pride Month, a time for celebration, pride and protest for the LGBTQ+ community and allies.  It’s the biggest and most diverse celebration in the LGBTQ+ calendar, culminating in the vibrant and colourful London Pride parade, on Saturday 1st July.

“More than 7 in 10* British people support the LGBTQ+ community. This summer, take action by showing you stand with us. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the first Pride march in the UK – a day when hundreds of LGBTQ+ people and their allies arrived in London to protest a society where we were not safe to be ourselves. These brave protesters marched to Trafalgar Square despite fearing for their own safety. But they knew it was important that their voices were heard – and their actions that day paved the way for half a century of progressive societal change for LGBTQ+ people.” Stonewall 


East London Out Project 

We have partnered with ELOP – East London Out Project, who have been providing counselling for the LGBT+ community for 25 years, to offer you a free range of activities, all of which are currently taking place online:

Imago: NEW Trans & Non-binary+ Mental Health Peer Support Group – inclusive and identity-affirming place for non-cisgender people wishing to enhance their mental health and wellbeing. Weekly, every Wednesday 7pm – 8:30pm.

ReClaim: LBT+ Women’s Trauma Support Group – a weekly group support space, for LBT+ women who have experienced any form of sexual, physical, or emotional violence, abuse, control, or coercion, unhealthy relationships, hate or hate crime, to connect and share with others and gain support around daily struggles. Weekly, every Wednesday 11am – 12:30pm. 

ReCharge: LGBT+ Mental Health Peer Support Group – a daytime group focused on mental health, staying well and feeling connected to others to reduce social isolation. Weekly, every Friday 11am – 12:30pm. 

ReFocus: LGBT+ Mental Health Wellbeing Workshops – issue-based workshops that include group activities, skills building, psychoeducation and discussions, aimed at maintaining mental wellbeing.
Weekly, every Monday 6:30pm – 8pm, starting from 12 September. 

 Interested? contact mentalhealth@elop.org 

REACT Mental Health training 

Are you a manager, supervisor, or team leader? Do you have team members who are dealing with repeated exposure to potentially traumatic events or working in stressful environments? 

Sign up to complete REACTMH training today to gain the ability to identify, engage with, and support people in your teams who are struggling with their mental health. Sessions take place twice weekly.  

Please see below our June dates: 


Thursday 29 June – 13:00 to 14:00pm 

Let’s talk menopause webinars 

Everyone’s experience of menopause is different. We experience different symptoms to one another, have different views about how we’d manage them, and have differing medical histories. 

Whether you are an individual experiencing perimenopausal or menopausal symptoms, are a colleague, leader, or professional seeking information about the menopause, or would like to support a peer through the menopause: there is a session for you. Join us to get informed, make a difference, and help us make menopause an everyday conversation. 

  • Colleagues and friends session: Wednesday 7 June – 10:00 to 11:00am 
  • HR and OH session: Thursday 8 June  

Virtual exercise programme

Juggling staying active around your work and shift patterns can be tricky!
Your virtual exercise programme offers quick, easy to access sessions. Join live before or after work, at your lunch break or at a time that suits you with our recorded sessions. Sessions range from zumba, aerobics, yoga and more! 
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