Sustaining Resilience at Work (StRaW®): 2 day training course

Do you work in health care or social care in north east London? Do you notice that your colleagues experience work related stress?

If this sounds familiar, we would like to encourage you to nominate your team for the StRaW initiative. Unlock your team resilience and create more trust with your team which will filter down to the clients you work with. Healthy staff = satisfied clients and client safety.

Here at KWNEL we will train your team to be able to deliver StRaW peer support. This is on the ground, and at the point it is needed with no waiting time and no questions asked and certainly no judgment. We truly believe that StRaW have transformational power to support staff that work in challenging areas. We all need support and we can help!

StRaW training is suitable for all members of staff; clinical and non clinical and at any grade.

What is StRaW?
StRaW helps you gain the skills necessary to help improve the mental health of colleagues suffering from psychological distress, through planning, guidance, signposting and, where appropriate, effective mentoring.


Why is StRaW training important?
The training allows teams to build a culture of support and to create a sustainable peer support system equipped to manage work related stress. StRaW not only focuses specifically on mental health conditions and issues that are likely to affect staff working in health or social care, it also enables StRaW Practitioners to take action in order to bolster resilience.

A message from your StRaW trainer, Dean Rogers…



Book a TRiM & StRaW information session to find out more

Our TRiM and StRaW Lead, Dean, would like to offer a 30 min TEAMS or ZOOM presentation to 1 or more members of your team. Find out if TRiM and StRaW products are something you want to implement in your service. Pick a date and time that works around your schedule – we also accept last minute requests!

Please email Dean with your name, email address,  your job title and the service you work for, contact phone number and your preferred time and date for the presentation.



Sign-up for StRaW Training

Nominate yourself or your team. Click on the link below for our latest training dates and to sign-up.

Bespoke training days: We are aware that 2 full days can be a barrier. Please contact Dean if you need to space out the training over 4 days or more for instance 4 x half days spread over a month or more.



1:1 support with stress: StRaW Interventions

If you are currently dealing with work related, home related stress or even both, we are here to help. We are also offering confidential 1:1 STRAW interventions with our trained StRaW Practitioners. Book an appointment to fit round your busy schedule and tackle your stress and its symptoms!


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